European Dealer Championship 2024 | Holland Casino Venlo
Judging criteria
The criteria for the European Dealer Championship will be multiplied by a factor of importance; hospitality (3x), Technical skills (2x) and control of the game (2x). “The minimum score is 1, the maximum score is 10, in increments of 1.”
1. Hospitality
Polite and courteous
Is approachable and well-mannered to all customers in all situations. Is authentic in communication and interaction.
Greets players
Welcomes a player appropriately and is attentive.
Responds actively to meet customer needs
Is pro-active in meeting customer’s service.
Exceeds customer expectations
Creates a pleasant atmosphere at the table at all times, even when the costumers are winning or losing. Always tries to give all customers a memorable experience.
Acknowledges customers after transactions
Uses appropriate body language and/or verbal acknowledgement, including eye contact with the customer, at the right moments.
Is professional at all times
Gives equal attention to all customers without showing preference towards a specific customer. Is professional in any difficult or delicate situations.
Projects positive posture and body language
Faces the customers when dealing. Appears approachable and friendly using appropriate body language / nonverbal communications.
Conforms to grooming standards
Follows directives
Follows reasonable directives from Championship Representatives without questioning and completes any assigned tasks accurately and promptly.
2. Technical Skills
Cuts chips correctly
Cuts chips accurately. Does not demonstrate any incorrect habits. Can drop-cut where appropriate.
Uses both hands correctly
Pays and takes bets using both hands to maintain game pace and table security.
Uses technical equipment appropriately
Uses the supplied equipment smoothly and efficiently.
a. Technical skills American roulette
Moves stacks correctly
Pushes stacks out and brings stacks in using the appropriate configuration and in a smooth and
efficient manner.
Positions chips correctly during transactions
Positions chips correctly, taking into account factors such as game security, during all cash/colour
Spins the ball correctly
Spins the ball, and at the appropriate moment calls ‘no more bets’ (i.e. three revolutions) before the ball drops into the number.
Clears the winning number correctly
Clears the area around the winning number in a smooth and efficient manner, without touching winning chips. Clears the layout in a smooth and efficient manner.
b. Technical skills Black Jack
Initial deal
Deals the cards smoothly and efficiently to the boxes
Handling bets at boxes
Pays winning bets and collects losing bets in a smooth and efficient manner.
3. Control of the game
Current and accurate knowledge of gaming information
Deals games in accordance with Championship rules and procedures.
Calculates payouts accurately
Calculates all payouts accurately prior to making up the winning bets.
Maintains table security
Protects float with correct body positioning. Does not turn away from the table at any time.
Focuses on table activity
Actively monitors the table, players, unusual behaviour, and players’ betting patterns.
Shows clean hands
Shows an open palm at all times when dealing with cash/colour, when going into or out of the float and when arriving at or leaving a table.
Performs cash/colour changes correctly
Announces all changes loudly, without compromising game security. Places chips in the correct area. Accurately performs the transactions, taking into account the customer’s wishes.